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Design – Barristers & Associates of IP Laws
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Registration of Design is simple and easy in Bangladesh. The necessary information for registration or protection of design in Bangladesh is given below: –

Application: Any person claiming to be the proprietor of any new or original design not previously published in Bangladesh may apply in the prescribed form for registration of design. A design when registered shall be registered as of the date of the application for registration and the Controller shall grant a certificate of registration to the proprietor of the design when the design registered.

Filing requirements:

To file application for registration of design we need the followings:

(a) Name of the inventor (applicant),
(b) Address(s) and nationality of the inventors,
(c) Two sets of specifications of design,
(d) Four sets of 3D pictures of the products from 4 sides
(e) Power of Attorney [From – 31].

Copyright in Registered Designs: When a design is registered the registered proprietor of the design shall have copyright in the design during five years from the date of application and renewable for second and third period of every five years from the expiration of every five years. However, it is possible to file renewal application in design any time before expiry. It is also possible to renew several term at a time.

Term of Design: The term limited in every design for the duration thereof is sixteen years from its date and renewal is required after four years up to 15 years. In case of priority, the commencement of four years shall start from the date of priority application.

The Design Attorneys of the Barristers & Associates of IP Laws are well experienced in handling Design matters in Bangladesh. We may be contacted through e-mail at info@baiplaws.com